The region’s elite in SEO, AI, and E-commerce will gather in Bulgaria for…
SEO Conference | Eastern Europe | 12 October | Sofia
SERP Conf. 2023 - the leading SEO conference in Eastern Europe, will be held on October 12 in Sofia.
The event will bring together over 500 participants from Eastern Europe, representing the entire
regional e-commerce ecosystem. This year's theme is: "SEO Practices Without Limits" and its focus
will be on upcoming changes to Google's algorithms and rapidly emerging new technologies such as
artificial intelligence (AI) that are fundamentally changing SEO.
On October 12th, 15 TOP experts from 3 continents will answer the most asked questions in the world
of website search engine optimization. They will talk about artificial intelligence (AI) and its use in
SEO, content marketing and promotion, and the future of e-commerce. Along with proven specialists
from the SEO field, business owners will stand on the stage of the event - people who, with successful
and working SEO, manage to develop their brands and increase their income more than 10 times.
Among the speakers at SERP Conf. 2023 are the established world names: Judith Lewis, Hristina …
3 ditë përkushtuar novacionit dhe mënyrës si do të jemi të lidhur në të ardhmen.
Sot u mbajt takimi i dytë i grupit të punës të drejtuar nga…
Recently completed - the first regional e-commerce platform that represents an e-commerce…
Prej shumë vitesh bizneset në Shqipëri kanë tentuar të drejtohn tek kanali i…
In recent years, ecommerce has become an increasingly popular and lucrative business sector…
Rajoni jonë pavarsisht ndryshimeve që ka midis njërit shtet në tjetrin ka edhe…
Prej shumë vitesh Shqipëria në tregëtinë online renditet në vendet e fundit. …
Tiranë, 30 qershor 2022
Puna që po bën Shoqata Shqiptare e Tregtisë Elektronike (AECA)…
Transformimi dixhital i kompanive ka pasur ndër vite një ecuri të ngadaltë, por…